Q. Do I need to be a member of a church for my child to attend Rise Christian Academy? A. No. Our goal is to serve our community. Q. Does your day care program include 2 or 3 day a week care? A. No. Our program is set up for 5 days a week. A child may attend our 3 and 4 year old preschool program from 8:00AM-12:00PM, rather than be in our full time program. Only full time care is available for the 2 yr. olds. Q. Does RCA offer scholarships? A. Usually not. We do, however, consider applications for Tuition Reduction based on need and the demonstration of a true desire for continued Christian education for your child. Q. Does RCA offer a military discount? A. No. We have structured our fees so that we can offer quality care and education at an affordable rate. Q. Does Rise Christian Academy work with social services regarding tuition assistance? A. Yes. You can discuss the details with our school Director. Q. Does RCA accept credit card payments? A. Yes. Once you are enrolled in the FACTS tuition payment system, you may choose credit card as a payment option. Q. Does RCA accept the Flexible Benefits Plan? A. Yes. You may discuss the details with our bookkeeper or our school Director. Q. Are you licensed as a daycare center? A. Rise Christian Academy annually files the required documentation as a child day center that is operated under the auspices of a religious institution pursuant to Section 63.2-1716 of the Code of Virginia. This means we follow state required staff-child ratios, background checks and we are subject to health and fire inspections, and maintain staff health reports. Q. Is RCA accredited? A. Currently we have not chosen to pursue accreditation. Our children do very well upon leaving RCA and have been welcomed when transferring to public, private, parochial, or other Christian schools. Q. Do you follow the Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL)? A. In addition to our curriculum, the Virginia Standards of Learning objectives are also used as a guideline for designing supplemental materials. Upon leaving RCA our students succeed whether they attend another Christian school, private, public, or preparatory school. Standardized testing is administered annually. The results place Rise Christian Academy students in the 80-90 percentile.